Savtantar mann – Mental Health project

Savtantar mann – Mental Health project

“There is no standard normal. Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet.”- Matt Haig The outbreak of COVID-19, has severely affected millions of people psychologically and emotionally who find themselves helpless in the current situation, often failing to garner the support and the help they need. Such mental issues are still left unspoken, unquestioned and unresolved. We, at YUPSI, aim to stand in solidarity with people whose mental health have been impacted and provide them with the support and help they need. The stigma revolving around Mental Health has been rampant, and in todays time an action to destigmatize the taboo has become the indespensible need of the hour. Savtantra Mann aims to initiate dialogue around mental health in

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Smavesh – Social Inclusion Project

Smavesh – Social Inclusion Project

“If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.”-Shirley Chisholm To sensitize and promote collective action in protecting the rights of the children, women, specially abled, SC, ST, OBC, Economically weak and Socially excluded communities. Five fingers when clenched together become a fist. Similiarly, if the circumstantially-challenged portions of the society start acting in synergy with each other, their collective voice is bound to be heard by the masses. We aim to bring about the above-mentioned amalgamation of people belonging to various socially challenged segments of the country. The initial-tier of individuals we wish to work with can be from the ranks of underprivileged children and women, specially-abled people, socially backward classes, enonomically challenged communities, and other socially-excluded groups. Status:

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Lakshaya – Sports Project

Lakshaya – Sports Project

  “An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head.” – Emil Zatopek Athletic pursuits serve as an excellent catalyst for channelizing the grit, determination, and growth-potential characteristic to the youth of the country. Furthermore, sports offer a rewarding pathway for high-risk individuals who turn to intoxicants in the absence of proper direction and guidance. YUPSI firmly believes no dream is unachievable and that one should take necessary steps to fulfill it. Lakshya aims to invigorate these sports and give direction to such children who wish to pursue it by acting as a mentor, provider and supporter. Thereby, we intend to provide promising athletes with the necessary infrastructure and resources to pursue

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Swabhimaan – Women Project

Swabhimaan – Women Project

“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”-Mark Anthony Unjust power dynamics based on gender are nothing but a thorn in mankind’s feet. They emerge out of primal predispositions that no longer find any congruence with the future that we’re trying to build. Moreover, women’s empowerment has been the noblest of causes since the medieval ages. Thus, we intend to undertake several interventions that challenge pre-existing gender-based structural inequalities in rural as well as urban areas. At YUPSI we aim to facilitate activities and workshops that provide women of Chandigarh with necessary means to ensure their growth and in turn the

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Bhagidari – Societal Development or Involvement Project

Bhagidari – Societal Development or Involvement Project

“The spirit of service is the soul of belonging.”-Lailah Gifty Akita Societal development works on a simple principle; the younger generation improves on the shortcomings of the older generation. However, the success rate of the process can use some improvement. Currently, we live in the 21st century , but still face problems belonging to the medeival era. Practices like slavery, human-trafficking, debt-bondage, forced-partipation of children in armed conflict, and many more continue to linger on in dingy corners of our world. We aim for their absolute eradication, and possess the necessary organizational-structure to do so. Young and energetic students from schools and colleges are volunteering for these causes and bring the positive changes. Status: Proposed and Seeking Fund Mode: Active Volunteering, Multi Agency Liasioning and

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Ujjawal – Education Project

Ujjawal – Education Project

“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”- Thomas Paine Child labour is one such malevolent practice that still runs rampant in the Indian subcontinent. We aim to sensitize people about how child labor hinders the transformation of India from a developing nation to a developed one. The YUPSI banner under the project “Ujjawal” already has multiple awareness events planned in advance to attain this outcome. Responsibilities bound us all, and teenagers belonging to underprivileged parts of the society are most-hindered by circumstances beyond their control. We acknowledge that not everyone gets to engage in the pursuit of traditional education until a certain age. Therefore, to aid children who cannot leave the workforce, we aim to bring educational centres to their vicnity. Our dedicated volunteer-force

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Samarthan – Advocacy Project

Samarthan – Advocacy Project

“No voice is too soft when that voice speaks for others.”- Janna Cachola Samarthan is one such project which will deal with issues relating to public interest and will subsequently resolve them by providing legal and social assistance. The project aims to challenge the inefficacy in implementation of public services, infrastructure projects and other such matters. The assistance and our action will be backed by proper research led by experts, followed by bringing into light the issue through publishing to get the required public attention. The project will ensure secure of rights, social welfare and better quality of life. We have devised ‘Research, Publish and Act’ mechanism for both social and legal advocacy. Status: Ongoing and Seeking Fund Mode:  Active Volunteering, Multi Agency Liasioning and Technology

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Unmukt – Drugs de-addiction Project

Unmukt – Drugs de-addiction Project

“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.”– Bucky Sinister One really isn’t free if there are externalities controlling their actions, desires, whims and lifestyle. One such externality is Drugs and it has been hindering not only the individual development but also that of the nation. A considerable chunk of the Indian population is corroding at the hands of substance abuse. Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, Opiates, injected drugs, and other intoxicants have penetrated rural as well as urban parts of the country. The advisory information and preventive measures in place are proving to be less-than-adequate. Consequently, drug abuse at a nationwide scale is an imminent threat that jeopardizes our

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Nirog – Health Project

Nirog – Health Project

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”-Hippocrates To   provide   medical   and   paramedical   treatment   for   old,   destitute   and underprivileged people. Health is the most basic requirement for any human being to function at an optimal level. Economically-challenged parts of the social hierarchy are often severally limited in their access to adequate healthcare services. First and foremost, we aim to make them aware of the government-aided resources at their disposal. On an organizational level, we intend to provide medical as well as paramedical treatment to elderly, destitute, and underprivileged individuals. Status: Proposed and seeking fund Mode: Active Volunteering and Technology

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Poshan – Food Project

Poshan – Food Project

“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”-Mahatma Gandhi Our attempt through this project is to provide the basic nutrition (Poshan) that every person requires throughout their lives to live a healthy life. The millions of children in India who are bereaved of the means, but, have the zeal to learn and achieve often fail to live a healthy life due to lack of nutrition. Through the project, we envisage a future where no child goes to sleep hungry and get wholesome meals essential for their development and growth. We wish to give them the nutrition and motivation necessary to live a healthy life. The Global Hunger Index report 2019 placed India at

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